In recent months and weeks it has been very difficult for many companies to continuously train mostly young people as the skilled workers of tomorrow. Company closures, outsourcing of work to the home office or quarantine often meant that training did not have to be provided in the required manner or even had to be discontinued.
The Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs has once again established that good training is the basis for young people’s professional future and for securing skilled workers in Germany. Therefore, with effect from 01 August 2020, a support programme has been established at short notice. This is aimed at small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). SMEs are companies with up to 249 employees.
The objectives are:
– Maintain apprenticeships
– create additional apprenticeships
– Avoid short-time work for trainees
– Encourage takeovers in the event of insolvency
In order to achieve the objectives, the companies receive premiums or grants.
The support is available to SMEs
– in officially recognised apprenticeships,
– in apprenticeships according to the Nursing Professions, Nursing Care and/or Geriatric Care Act or
– in the practice-integrated apprenticeships in the health and social services, which are regulated by federal and state law
Companies can only receive one premium per apprenticeship contract. They cannot combine the subsidies under this new Federal Programme with subsidies under other legal bases or under other Federal or Länder programmes with the same objective or content.
Applications must be submitted to the responsible employment agency. In addition to the application, you will need a certificate from an agency for apprenticeship. These are usually the professional chambers such as chambers of industry and commerce or the chambers of skilled crafts.
Amount of the premiums
Depending on the reason for funding, the amount of the subsidy ranges from EUR 1,500.00 to EUR 3,000.00 per apprentice. The support is limited until 30 June 2021. Inter-company vocational training centres or other established training service providers receive up to EUR 8,000.00.
..Until 30 June 2021 apprenticeship companies can apply for up to € 3,000 per trainee.